Easy Care Indoor Plants For A Green Home

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Written By Ashley Cooper

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Having a green oasis in your home has many benefits you can’t imagine. This oasis adds an aesthetic appeal and also promotes your health. Indoor plants not only promote the visual appeal of your house but also purify the air by absorbing toxins and releasing oxygen, so you can breathe fresh air without any toxins. Because of these reasons, many people are looking for plants but there is also a problem with that. Although most people want to have indoor plants all over their home, some of them don’t know how to care for a plant or they simply don’t have the time to do so.

green home

People who don’t know how to care for a plant or who don’t have time, like myself, need to have indoor plants that require minimal effort. These plants are the best if you are this type of person. Of course, there are many plants that require minimal care, but if you ask me, some plants are suited to specific rooms, just like they are to specific functions within that room. I’ll give you some plants that I think would look good in that room.

Benefits Of Having Plants In House

Although buying indoor plants for your house can mean visual appeal, this is not the only reason to have indoor plants. But it is true that these plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of your living space, giving your house a touch of stylish and visually pleasing design. This design can boost your motivation and mood so that you can be productive and you can feel better from the start of the day. The second reason to have these indoor plants is that their feature of releasing oxygen. These plants purify the air circulating in your house so that you can breathe more quality air. Also, some plants even have air-purifying qualities by removing toxins from the air.

aplants esthetic appeal of your living space

After I tried to care for the indoor plants, I realised that my sense of responsibility has enhanced and my stress levels have been reducing since then. I feel like my connection with nature enhances my mood, motivation, and personality. And all of these happened after I decided to care for some indoor plants. 

Different Indoor Plants For Different Rooms

As I said, some plants are suited to specific rooms. From the lounge to the kitchen, you can use many different kinds of indoor plants. So I will give you a few examples for the rooms so that you can decide which plant is for you and your room.

For The Living Room 

There are some plants that are well suited for me. The living room is the area that we mostly use for entertainment, relaxing, and similar activities. Having an indoor plant in the living room can boost our joy and mood for relaxation. One good option for this room is the Snake Plant. Whether it takes bright light or low light, this plant can thrive in a variety of light conditions. It requires minimal watering, so if you are a beginner or don’t have time, this plant is the best for you. Another plant is Pothos. Known for its trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves, you can add a touch of stylish design to your living room. It also requires minimal watering and light conditions. 

Snake Plant and Pothos

 For The Bedroom

The Bedroom also needs stylish changes, just like the living room. You will need elegant visuals and strong air purifiers for your sleep. The Peace Lily is an elegant plant with white blooms and dark green foliage. The Peace Lily will add a touch of serenity to your bedroom. You can care for it with low to medium light and only need to water it when the soil is dry. You can also use Spider Plants for your bedroom. These plants are excellent air purifiers. They only need bright, indirect light and occasional watering.

air purifying Spider Plant

For The Kitchen 

You can use fresh herbs to add flavour to your culinary dishes and also provide aromatic greenery.  Aloe Vera can be cared for even with neglect. Just place it in a sunny spot and water it when the soil is dry. You can have Basil, Mint or Rosemary in your kitchen. They can add flavour to your food and also give a green touch to your kitchen. With bright light and regular watering, you can care for them. They are also forgiving if you forget.

Aloe Vera in kitchen

If you want to have a green house, there are many houseplants that can make this wish come true. As I suggested earlier, there are plants that require so little attention and yet can thrive with the right care. With these easy-care houseplants, you can strengthen your connection with nature, boost your motivation and mood, and add a touch of stylish design.

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